Hilfe für afghanische Militärveteranen
There is no higher mission on earth than to serve the world and defend your country!
In December 1979, the Soviet leadership decided to send Soviet troops into Afghanistan. In this regard, a huge number of young guys from Ukraine were mobilized for this cruel and senseless war. Having taken an oath of allegiance to the Motherland, our comrades every day looked death in the eye and personally realized the assistance of the USSR to Afghanistan.
Even today they remain for us a model of courage and heroism, a vivid example of disinterested service to their Fatherland.
The charitable foundation "KIND HEARTS OF THE CARING" considers it an honor to provide the necessary assistance to the military veterans of Afghanistan in such a difficult time and calls on all those who care to cooperate.
Dear heroes, we remember, we are proud of you, who honorably fulfilled your civic and international duty!