About Us

About Charitable Foundation Ukraine "kind hearts of those who care"

CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "KIND HEARTS OF THOSE WHO CARE" was founded in 2015 by an enterprising young team that strives to do good. We have developed many programs aimed at achieving the following priority and important goals:



  • social and financial assistance to orphans and children from low-income families;
  • help for the elderly!
  • assistance to promising athletes and talented youth.
  • assistance to Veterans of Afghanistan and Chernobyl victims;
  • assistance to Veterans of the Great Patriotic War;

The main task of our FUND is to help people who need it as much as possible.

CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "KIND HEARTS OF THOSE WHO CARE" will do everything in our power to change the situation in the country for the better!

But big changes start with a small step. Therefore, let each of us contribute to the common victory and bright future of our descendants.

We will definitely win together!

Don't be indifferent to the people around you and the good will come back!

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